My life is so good right now. I'm so happy. My heart is full. After years of sadness and heartache, I honestly never thought I'd be where I am today. Our world is very busy. Nolan is currently on 3 sports teams, I'm on the tail end of my third Whole 30, I've been working a bit and obviously, I have 3 month old. My days have never gone by so quickly nor have I ever hit my pillow so hard at bedtime!
I knew it wouldn't be a cakewalk juggling a teenager and infant. I knew I wouldn't be able to hunker down with my new baby and have leisurely days where I stay in my pj's. I drive Nolan to and from school everyday. Then to sports. It's a miracle that I manage to have a healthy home cooked dinner on the table and somehow my house is kind of clean (minus the pile of papers I neglect). So help me if I need to run extra errands... Life is exceptionally busy between 3pm-7pm, it's insane. My Tuesday's and Thursday's for example, I pick up Nolan from school, come home to quickly feed the baby and potentially start making dinner. Pack up baby and take Nolan to basketball, come home to finish making dinner, leave again to pick up Nolan and take him to football, come home, finish dinner, bath baby, feed baby, put him to bed...and then I can relax because Tom picks up Nolan, unless he is away for work.
Last week as I was regretting allowing Nolan to be involved in so many things during such a busy 'life' season, I thought about how amazing sports have been for him. How enriched his life is as a result of having so many great coaches pour into him. He's made amazing friends. He has big life goals which have only grown as he continues to improve his skills and work on his weaknesses. I often wish I had his confidence and drive when I was his age. I was dying my hair a heinous shade of red/brown from a box and doing nothing productive for my future at the age of 14. The baby screamed the entire 30 minute drive to Nolan's basketball game last week and by the time we got to our destination I was completely drained. I felt so thankful for Wednesday's because they are the only night I get to stay home after school. No kidding, Nolan gets in the car after school on Wednesday and asks if he can join the golf club which is on Wednesday's. My only peaceful night of the week. NO FREAKING WAY! He proceeded to arrange his own rides to and from, said he'd pay for it and is currently scavenging the classifieds for used clubs. Tom says it best when he says it could be worse. We get annoyed with him for wanting to play more sports.
So here I am. Juggling an infant and a teenager. We don't have much of an attitude problem from Nolan. He isn't rebelling. He is smart, responsible, respectful (for the most part), he has a job, cleans his I will keep driving, keep paying for sports, keep supporting his dreams. I will do the same for Wylder. I still make time for my friends, I'll also find time for 'me'. What I know for sure is how fast these years go by. The relationship Tom and I have with Nolan is so good. He talks to us and hangs out with us! Investing time into my child's interests has paid off in more ways than I can list. I am such an advocate of finding something your kids are passionate about and nurturing whatever that is. It might not be sports but helping them find something that they love helps them become healthy people. It allows other positive influences to pour into them. Giving structure to their days and teaching them to work with people and learn to respect adults and teammates. Sacrificing your time because you love them...I think that's part of our job as parents!
I never really had my freedom because I was so young when I had Nolan. I often struggled with feeling like I missed out on lots of fun times with friends because I was home alone with Nolan on a Friday night and not at a pub with all my friends. Then when I did go out, I had guilt for not being with my son. There was a real struggle with being a young single mom. (Another post, another time). My point being, my sacrifice paid off.
Nolan is viewed as a leader by his coaches. I believe that he was taught this by his coaches. He is a role model to younger players. As much as I know Tom and I teach him these things, a lot of who he is comes from the people who pour into him through sports. Even some, not all, of his teachers at school. It goes without saying that he is already an amazing big brother to Wylder. I'm so thankful that he has such a great role model as a big brother. There is nothing else in this world that brings me more joy as a mama than this!
Obviously this post would not be complete without some photos of my little monkey to brighten your day!