It's finally time for the big reveal...the news we have been keeping on the down low for hmm...something like 5 weeks now. We don't know why we haven't shared what this baby's sex is, but we aren't the type to throw a gender reveal party and it feels really really weird to even announce what we are having before we are having it! But we know. And people ask. A lot. And so we awkwardly tell them, we know but we aren't telling because...we don't actually know why we aren't telling, but we get the point!
As most of you know, our lives have been ridiculously busy with moving not once but twice (due to possession dates etc, etc...), Nolan playing on not one, but two football teams is doing me in with the never ending driving around, not to mention trying to feed a rapidly growing, athletic teenager. I cook too much. Tom's been traveling a lot, I am working still and unpacking and cleaning yet. I have been completely depleted of all energy, if I even had energy to begin with. As a result, it landed me in the hospital last week as I was having contractions and cramping and we just needed to:
1. Make sure everything was A-OK with baby.
2. Pray I wouldn't be put on bed rest because, we all know, this mama cannot afford to be on bed rest right now. I haven't even gotten started on this baby's room for crying out loud!!!
3. Most importantly, make sure this baby wasn't planning an early arrival, which freaks me out mainly for the reason that the closer D-Day comes, the less and less ready I feel to have this baby!
Long story short, all tests came back negative! Baby is happy as can be and even started kicking my ribs this week...aww, cute right? The prognosis: I have an irritable uterus (meaning they don't know what is happening), but I do and will continue to have contractions daily until it's time. Thankfully I can keep doing everything I was doing before without any interruptions.
As a treat (aka: just more testing), I had a second ultrasound with a really great tech that spent so much time checking out this baby and printed me 10 more photos! She estimated that baby was already 2.5lbs, which was over a week ago and for those wondering what an average baby weight at 26 weeks in utero's 1.5lbs, so somebody, say a prayer for me, because this could be one big ass baby, so help me... I got to see everything and this baby is perfect and so adorable already...check out the close up! I swear that's daddy's nose... And look at that little chin...BAHHHH, I'm dying over here!
I know! I know! So what is it already?! I just made you read all the boring updates so you could get to this part. Although for no reason at all, I truly thought's true. We are indeed having yet another boy! Isn't that something? Another male in this house to make sure Sportsnet is ALWAYS on the TV, another boy to spend hours watching play sports, play fighting and wrestling, leaving lego for me to step on... It's great! I loved the look on Tom's face when I told him he was going to have a little boy. Nolan's excitement to meet this little guy multiplied by at least 1,000 when he realized he was going to be able to teach him everything he knows about football!
[Nolan quote: "I'm so glad I've got my boy first, so the next one can be a girl!" I think he is confused that he is the brother, not the father, kidding of course!]
Another great thing, because I knew I would have more kids one day, I hung on to all of my favorite baby clothes from Nolan's baby days. I finally got to pull them out now that we are in the new house and not only am I dying to meet this baby boy, but I just love that he gets to wear his big bro's hand-me downs already. It has taken me back to when Nolan was a baby and as much as I thought we were going to even out the gender scores in 2016, I don't mind one tiny bit, being surrounded by a bunch of boys who love me almost as much as I love them!
So now you's a boy and he has a very tight grip on my heart already!