Lent starts tomorrow. I have never participated in lent. I'm not sure why I haven't, but this year I am inspired. Afterall, I did just give up 30 days of my life for the Whole 30. Lots of people like to give up things that hang them up like social media...that's a great one to give up. Chocolate. Coffee. Alcohol. TV. Shopping. You get my drift.
I recently found www.momastery.com because I was reading the founders book, 'Carry On, Warrior' by Glennon Doyle Melton. She is a real person who shares her real stories. She is very honest about her many faults which first attracted me to her. I love how she brags about her imperfections and admits she can be crazy at times. She shares some very raw thoughts and unlike a lot of people in this world who want to portray perfection, she doesn't. She encourages women to embrace who they are and to stop striving for something unattainable. I absolutely love what she has to say! As if there is a parent who never loses their patience with their kids...ya know? She covers all of this!
"Momastery is her creation. It stems from the idea that motherhood is like a monestery. It's a sacred place, apart from the world, where a seeker can figure out what matters and catch glimpses of God. It was created to be a safe haven for moms to practice living bigger, bolder and truer on this earth."
I started following Glennon's blog because I enjoyed her book so much. I love how she created a place for women to inspire women. It's so hard being around people who want to live a life pretending to be perfect. It puts pressure on lots of us to also pretend or if you can't pretend you just feel like you aren't good enough. With that said, having such a large community of support for women is exactly what the world needs! I wish there was more of this out there in our big world!

Back to lent, Glennon posted a fabulous idea for lent and challenged all of her followers to join in. Instead of giving up your coffee or chocolate for 40 days, why not practice having gratitude. ere's what we do, every night write down three things you are grateful for that day. I'm sure by the end of 40 days, our hearts will be full and we will be reminded that we have so much we often take for granted. Let's face it, after 40 days you will go back to your coffee and chocolate like you never quit it, but we hope you never lose your grateful heart!
I am really excited to get this party started! Practicing daily gratitude is one of the little things we can do that will end up impacting our lives so much without us even realizing it. These little changes we make in our day to day lives are what helps one grow as a person and to live out a happier, healthier life. I'm already thankful that within these 40 days, spring will be here in full force...BOOYA!