The people in my life are incredible. Plain and simple. I was already overwhelmed with all the birthday love on my actual birthday, then this weekend happened. As per my request, I wanted a weekend away with Tom as well as small dinner with close friends. Little did I know...between Tom and my girlfriends, I was about to have one of the best birthdays to date!
My friends made me this Love Book. Talk about the power of words! It is filled with seriously amazing words from people who love me. It was so touching...I am tearing up as I think about it. To read about how you value me and my friendship, how I make you laugh, how you think I am a good mom, a good friend, my honesty, how I have touched your lives, how much you love left me speechless. Who knew I had so many friends! Haha! I love you all so much and I am so thankful to have you in my life. This book was the greatest gift, so thank you again.
The day began with Tom taking me shopping. This was the first time I have ever have gone to Vancouver not packing anything to wear out for dinner. Thinking for sure I would find something...but I had no luck! I sent texts to Jill and Mel asking what they were planning to wear, I even texted Dani for store advice...I was stressin!!!
Tom told me that he had to make a stop at some 'North American Sports' store because he wanted to check it out. I didn't think anything of it...but I told him that it was cutting into my very unsuccessful day of shopping! We walked up to where this amazing sports store should be and it's wasn't there. Tom started acting weird, not really talking to me or looking at me. I started to think something was seriously wrong with him. This women comes out of the store we are standing in front of, she is looking just as confused at Tom was, (and here's me...not reading signs...just wondering how the girl in front of us was just walking around in her 6" heels), the lady asks what we are looking for. Tom steps inside, tells me to follow, is looking around, grabbing his phone. We are in a salon, but I didn't get the hint until Tom points to the back and says "LOOK"! What did I find? FRIENDS! YAY! Jill, Mel and Becks waiting for me to join in on some pedicure action! Jill is the best at making little clues that give a little hint of what is about to happen...I love that about her, so she gave me the first clue!
After our pedi's, my next clue took me party dress shopping! It was all a part of the plan! Dress shopping was followed by a random stop for a birthday girl shot! Another clue...and we were off to get all dolled up for the night!
Jill had her sister-in-law, Chantelle doing our make-up. She did an amazing job...we all looked gorgeous! Popped the champs, pumped the tunes, curled our hair! It's funny because I was thinking earlier that day how fun it would have been to get ready with all my friends...not that Tom isn't super fun to get ready with.
Last clue...for din dins! The guys left early in one cab, then we followed shortly after them. How we ended up in the death taxi, I don't know...but the guy was cray cray. Running red lights, pumping his arabian techno as loud as possible, dancing with both hands in the air, his eyes were half shut...and the creepy creepy stares...I couldn't get out of the car fast enough...(Jill, sorry for leaving you alone with him as you squared up the bill).
Another surprise, my sister and her husband were at dinner! From dinner we went to a basement pub with live music. I was becoming slightly famous from the props Jill and Mel made for the party. Everyone we met got a picture of themselves with one. I signed autographs, got free drinks, made new know, just standard birthday stuff. The night ended with us dancing our faces off at a club. SO MUCH FUN! My body was so sore from dancing so hard...I'm still exhausted from my 3 a.m. bedtime...but I wouldn't change any of it! I had such a fun weekend!
I have the best friends in the world! I had no idea any of this was going to happen...except for the dinner I knew about...and then I swear we were going to the casino... Looking back on the day it's so funny how Tom was trying to stall until it was time for the pedicures, he was texting like a mad man the whole time we were shopping, how none of my friends even texted me because they were all afraid to ruin the surprise! guys are fantastic liars/actors! I am so thankful for all of heart is so full and I cannot begin to say how meaningful the Love Book is to me...the best. Ever.